Welcome to my blog!

Surprised as I am to say it, a new year has just begun. And as per tradition I have made several new years resolutions to myself. In order to self-motivate and help myself stay on track I decided to start a blog. I will be blogging about my photography, my passion for dance, my trails and errors with learning yoga and snowboarding, cooking, music, movies and anything else I may find interesting along the way.

I currently pursing my bachelors in Event Management in Burlington, VT and will be planning several fund-raising events in the future. I will be posting information about the events and encourage you to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

My favorite Disney movie as of lately has been Alice in Wonderland and after choosing my blog title I decide to use an appropriate pen name, just for fun.

My goal is to be posting every day but I will settle for weekly, we'll see how it goes.
Constructive criticism, questions or clarification, helpful tips or advice and positive thoughts are encouraged :)

Check out all of my photography: http://www.flickr.com/photos/throughthelookingglass23

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Extreme Couponing?!?!


If you haven't watched or heard of this new show on TLC yet, go check it out (its on every Wednesday at 9:30 or you can just Google it, there are videos).

I agree where do you draw the line?

These people are ridiculous, they have like 10 year supplies of everything under the sun stockpiled in their houses, yet continue to buy more and more. They are so serious about couponing, they actually PAY for coupons! That's right, apparently there is a place on the internet (of course) where you can actually pay someone else to clip coupons so you can get 100 coupons for 50 cents off tomatoes for a handling charge of around seventy dollars. That just doesn't make sense to me but obviously it works, I just watched a man buy 1,100 boxes of cereal totaling $4,000 for $150. That was just one transaction of three he had that day. His total before taxes was like $5,000 and he only paid around $200! As a former grocery store cashier, I would hate these people while being extremely impressed at the same time.

I have to ask myself though, what in the hell do you do with 1,100 boxes of cereal? Apparently he gives them away to people in the community which is great but I'm not sure if the others to the same.

Personally, I would love to hire these guys to help me build my own personal grocery store right in my house, but once I have a 5 year supply of everything I could ever possibly need, I would be content with never having to go shopping again for the next 5 years, not continue to buy more and more stuff.

I find it ironic that just before Extreme Couponing came on I was watching Hording: Buried Alive. Is TLC trying to suggest something? Just because their houses aren't filled with useless shit, rotting food, 100 cats or actual shit, doesn't mean they don't have a compulsive hording problem of sorts. I mean if you have 10 YEARS worth of food and household supplies do you really need to keep buying more, even if you're only paying $5 for 150 bottles of mustard?

I understand the need for coupon clipping and savings in today's economy but you need to draw the line somewhere.

One woman did say she extreme coupons to save money so her seven children won't have to pay for college and saves $40,000 dollars a year and I think that's great, but when you already have 1,400 rolls of toilet paper stashed under your infant son's bed, take a break! Actually eat some of that food you have instead of buying more.


  1. Hopefully food banks and other organizations helping the poor know about this!
    I'm with you.....shopping for food every week is such a pain but I just can't keep 5 yrs of stuff in my house!

  2. Also can't keep that much stuff in my house...

    ...but if I could... no I still wouldn't do it.

    But I have been known to save $40 - $50 on a $200 order. It takes alot of planning though, and I just don't always have the time.

  3. @ Carole - I sure hope so too! I hope more people donate what they buy. I know weekly shopping is a pain, and these people go like 4 times a week! Ha most of us don't have the space and neither do those people. They have 4 or 5 rooms full of stuff because it wouldn't all fit in their garage/basement.

    @ Julianna - If I had the space I would fill a corner of my garage or basement but I would never let it over flow in my house. Congrats! I think you found the perfect (sane) level of extreme couponing lol. $50 off is great!

  4. I actually envy these people. I clip coupons and comp shop at everyones favorite WAL store. I don't have loads and loads of crap in my hosue. The most I have ever saved is about $45 and all for stuff I needed, but I would love to figure out how to get all my groceries for like $0.69 (vs $120) like these people claim to do! By the way, I found your blog since you follow mine! Thanks for following!


  5. I know! I wish I could figure out their strategy.
    No problem, thanks for checking out my blog!
