Welcome to my blog!

Surprised as I am to say it, a new year has just begun. And as per tradition I have made several new years resolutions to myself. In order to self-motivate and help myself stay on track I decided to start a blog. I will be blogging about my photography, my passion for dance, my trails and errors with learning yoga and snowboarding, cooking, music, movies and anything else I may find interesting along the way.

I currently pursing my bachelors in Event Management in Burlington, VT and will be planning several fund-raising events in the future. I will be posting information about the events and encourage you to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

My favorite Disney movie as of lately has been Alice in Wonderland and after choosing my blog title I decide to use an appropriate pen name, just for fun.

My goal is to be posting every day but I will settle for weekly, we'll see how it goes.
Constructive criticism, questions or clarification, helpful tips or advice and positive thoughts are encouraged :)

Check out all of my photography: http://www.flickr.com/photos/throughthelookingglass23

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Round Two

I procrastinate just about everything and frequently find myself playing catch up. So here are the last few days...

So in a house of six people all but one of us snowboard, so naturally there is an abundance of snowboards needing to be stored. My roommate who has acquired the nickname Bob Vila, constructed this snowboard rack in the bathroom and I love seeing so many snowboards all in one place.

Photo number twenty six:

Mountain Law

Photo number twenty five:

This one's for you dear, the original Alice ;), and the girls from BDC. I wish I didn't quit pointe and did this number with you guys.

Photo number twenty four:

A Dancer's Spirit

Photo number twenty three:

Hidden Language

Photo number twenty two:

Queen of Hearts


  1. Would you tell me more about the pointe shoes please. Hidden Language is such an interesting picture. Thanks.

  2. Of course! Thank you :)
    I danced on pointe for several years back in high school and I have about 12 pairs that are "dead" and unusable but I keep them around for sentimental and decorating purposes. The other day I was inspired to pick up my acrylic paints but didn't know what to use for a canvas. I remembered I had brought a couple pairs of pointe shoes to college in hopes of taking class again so I grabbed a pair and got started.

    The plaque was a and 18th birthday present from my mom, a little something for my first dorm room.
