Welcome to my blog!

Surprised as I am to say it, a new year has just begun. And as per tradition I have made several new years resolutions to myself. In order to self-motivate and help myself stay on track I decided to start a blog. I will be blogging about my photography, my passion for dance, my trails and errors with learning yoga and snowboarding, cooking, music, movies and anything else I may find interesting along the way.

I currently pursing my bachelors in Event Management in Burlington, VT and will be planning several fund-raising events in the future. I will be posting information about the events and encourage you to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

My favorite Disney movie as of lately has been Alice in Wonderland and after choosing my blog title I decide to use an appropriate pen name, just for fun.

My goal is to be posting every day but I will settle for weekly, we'll see how it goes.
Constructive criticism, questions or clarification, helpful tips or advice and positive thoughts are encouraged :)

Check out all of my photography: http://www.flickr.com/photos/throughthelookingglass23

Thursday, January 27, 2011


For those of you who just stumbled upon my site welcome!

Right now my blog is a bit of a mess, haven't been inspired by much these past few days but I hope to get back in the habit of posting.

For now check out what I have, feel free to leave some positive karma :)

Peace and Love,


  1. Hi Alice. Your photos are great and your little squirrel friend is adorable. I see that you are following my blog. I'll be back for another visit. I also had a look at your class blog. I'm married to a science man with a math degree. He balances my creative impulse with his logic!

  2. Thanks! Yes Bob is quite a character.
    Yes I am, I like your paintings :)
    I like to paint when I get inspired to do so. That's good, balance is always key in a relationship.
